Life is a pursuit of happiness.
Happiness usually comes from achieving one’s goals and/or standing by one’s principles and by doing what is right in tough times. I am not perfect and I not always able to achieve my goals, and/or standby my principles when I am required to but I guess I am just human and that’s another part of life.
Ever since grade 9, I’ve always wanted to be a teacher, maybe not always in the most traditional sense of the word teacher; but I knew I always wanted to inspire others and impart useful information to them; a core aspect of being a teacher I must say.
The idea for making this website came a couple of months ago. The world was going through massive changes last year and I just wanted an avenue to express my opinions. Ranting on social media over topics that mattered never appealed to me because I couldn’t really provide an elaborate explanation of my arguments, or of the facts. Writing detailed, well researched and elaborate articles/papers appeared to be the most convenient choice for me and that’s why I chose to start this space.
So why have I decided to name this blog “Real Analysis”. In all four years of university, the course MA 250 Real Analysis (taught by my favorite Professor Chester Weatherby) was my favorite course. Wikipedia defines it as a the branch of mathematical analysis that studies the behavior of real numbers, sequences and series of real numbers, and real-valued functions.
In real analysis, I learnt how to not assume anything and only hold something true when proven. For example, in one of the first lectures, the professor actually “proved” that the operations of multiplication and of division were legitimate operations that could be used on any real number. He literally had to prove this algebraically, while I had assumed this to be true all along.
Similarly, in this blog, I would like present my thoughts on current issues, with the idea being that the work I present is going to be well researched and backed by facts and not assumptions or my inherent biases.
On a much more personal level, this website is a manifestation of my love for imparting useful knowledge and information. I hope it will increase your scope of knowledge about certain subject matters that I will be writing about.
So what will I be writing about and what can you expect from me? Well, for starters I will be writing about prevalent topics in areas such as taxation, accounting and finance, politics, business ethics and life in general as well.
One thing I do want to mention is that I will exercise my utmost care in regards to authenticity of the claims I make, but I might make mistakes, so please bear with me. In this process of writing, I would love input from you and also get to know you as well.
Head on over to the contact page to see how you can get in touch with me.
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